Friday, April 20, 2012

Week one - it is not that easy!

So... this is the first post from me about my experience of watching films. For those who don't know, I havem made a resolution to watch daily one film in my vacation. This is the first week of it and I have watched 8 films from last Thursday.
Overall experience has been great but certainly not as easy as I thought. Taking out at least 2 hrs to view a film is quite a difficult job, especially when you are working on some proffessional assignments. But, still its a fun. As of now I have watched a film daily. Real fun will begin when I missed a day or two. शुभ बोल नाऱ्या...!

Thursday, the 12th April - The film released on previous Friday, for which I awaited for almost two weeks - The TITANIC. For some college work I followed Titanic's screenplay written by its director James Cameron. And I found that the film is shot as it was written in screenplay - without a single change. It was amazing. I was overwhelmed by two things. 
Firstly, the director's vision to replicate his thoughts on paper followed by on screen. And other, the perfection of the production team to fulfill all the necessities asked by director to create such a master piece.
When Titanic released last time in 1999, I was just 10 years old. Obviously, then I was not enough mature to understand the emotion that film evokes. I can't recollect any thrill I experienced watching that big thing getting sunk. Eventually, that experience did not go beyond Kate Winslet.
This time I managed to feel that emotion and the grandeur it possesses. Viewing it on BIG screen is a wonderful experience. I felt that watching this film on TV or laptops is real crime, an injustice to the film. Titanic in 3D gives you a sense of place, especially in those scenes where ship sinks vertically. They have turned out excellent. But apart from that, 3D does not give any great viewing pleasure which is expected from a 3D movie.
To be frank, the end of Jack-Rose's love story was not as disheartening as that of the big-beauty Titanic. It is unimaginable what those 1500 folks must have gone through, especially Captain Edward Smith and Titanic's architect Mr. Thomas Andrews to see Titanic going down. अशी TITANIC कधी न होणे!
          Thanks to James Cameron and film's producer who thought re-releasing this film. Otherwise, I would have missed the magic of Titanic. Kudos to everyone on Titanic and the film!

Friday, the 13th April - The second film in this journey was LONDON PARIS NEWYORK. This film is about a girl, a guy and their three meetings in three cities. First they meet accidentally in London and then in Paris almost after 2 years. Meanwhile, they have not contacted each other. Then, once again they meet in NY after a gap of few years. It is only the third time they are meeting.
The way this film is narrated makes it convincing. It is interesting to see their relationship taking a different turn every time they meet, mainly because of things that have happened between their two meetings. It is enjoyable to watch character's blooming romance which is constrained in their less than 24 hr togetherness. They come together to go away. This makes LPNY different from other love stories. The reasons for which they meet and separate are justified.
          But, director has been driven by 'Happies Endings'. It would have been more appealing and justified, to end the film in characters' separating once again. It would have touched heart with more intensity.
          Hence, apart from its filmy end LPNY comes as a refreshingly watchable film.

Saturday, the 14th April - I did not expect a blank day in my resolution calendar so early. Now, I have adjust couple of films on next weekend. Best of luck to me!
Sunday, the 15th April - Early morning show of recent release 'BATTLESHIP' was definitely not a waste of money and sleep as well. It is a sci-fi film from hollywood with lot of action and loads of VFX.
          In a way, there is nothing new in it. Cliched story of some aliens coming to our planet and some hero coming strong against them to save the earth is very predictable. In fact, the reason why aliens come here remains unclear till the end. Also, film begins with a sequence titled location as Himalayas. But, it turns out to be Hawaii very next moment. How? No answer.
          At least there are some strategies devised to fight against aliens making this film exciting to watch. And watching naval war on big screen is the forte of this film. Technically it is a sound along with good performances of lead actors.
          You can see three films in this single film. Largely inspired by Transformers, this film takes you to Arnold's Predator and Titanic as well. It’s like three spices mixed together to make garam masala.

Monday, 16th April - It is another film for which I was awaiting since I saw its first trailer. Being read, heard about American sensation Marilyn Manroe, I was curious to watch  MY WEEK WITH MARILYN. The film is not about Marilyn but about a boy Colin Clark who worked as third assistant director on her first British film.
          Few peculiar things this film conveys. It tells us how European Theatre was apprehensive about the film and its making. Also, it underlines the difference in styles of film making in Britain and Hollywood. The film in this film is about efforts by a great theatre actor to become a star and a starlet to become a great actress. Obviously, it shows how people all over the world went gaga over Manroe, her unusual behaviour and loneliness she felt at the top.
          I have not watched Marilyn’s films. That could be the reason, I found Michelle Williams as Marilyn very convincing. Even Colin Clark played by Eddie Redmayne is very good to portray the excitement he must have felt to work with Marilyn Manroe on his first film. His eyes conveyed that feeling at ease. From me definitely it is a green signal to watch this film.

Tuesday, the 17th April - PYARKA PUNCHNAMA was one of last year’s highly recommended film from my friends and yes, many of them were in relationship.
PKP is about three guys and how their relationships go wrong. The portrayal of three females is a bit overdone but not unreal. It is fun to watch the way three friends dance to tunes of their female partners and in the end learn a lesson! The song – Ban Gaya Kutta – is real fun and suits the film aptly.
          Indeed, it is a film everyone would enjoy. Those who have tasted the flavour of being in relationship can relate to it while others can relieve.

Wednesday, the 18th April - The world is a machine of which we all are small parts, without which this world cannot function. Every machine, every gear and even every person has a purpose.
          Director Martin Scorsese’s Hugo is a film about a boy and his ‘not working’ automaton which can write. It is the only thing he had of his father who got it from a museum. It is also about early film maker George Melies and his innovations and imagination which he filmed and got applauded for. These two narratives are connected to each other because the masterkey to run the automaton is with a friend of Hugo who is granddaughter of Melies. It tells a story about Hugo who is working hard to run that machine. It tells a story about Melies who is running away from his past. Eventually, boy runs that automaton which was created and later given away by Melies just like his passion for films.
          Parallel narratives of stationmaster and bookstall uncle do not add any major element to the film. Although they are interesting, their absence could have been appropriate. Hugo is a wonderfully shot film which is simple, unlike Scorsese’s other films. The 80 year old director has successfully told the relation between a machine and human being with a great ease. All actors have performed good including the young boy, his friend and director’s favourite Sir Ben Kingsley. 
          Hugo was in the race at Academy Awards for Best Film this year, which got Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction and Best VFX awards.

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